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Sep 16, 2022

ACORD R&D Spotlight on Reinsurance

ACORD’s 2022 flagship research study, ACORD Insurance Digital Maturity, was recently featured in several publications across the industry, with a focus on how the reinsurance community offers a key example of the benefits of digitalization.

  • The Reinsurance Community Has Set the Bar for Digital Transformation

"Reinsurers and brokers have led the way in providing a model for global interoperability the rest of the industry can emulate, but this has not been accomplished overnight, rather it is the result of decades of thoughtful investment in digital capabilities.”  Read more in Insurance Day.

  • A Model of Digital Maturity

“Forward-thinking insurance stakeholders have recognized for years that our industry was moving toward a critical inflection point. Many have known that enterprise digitization would be a prerequisite for future success – and even survival. The remaining skeptics were silenced amid the disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic, which laid bare the industry’s vulnerabilities, and accelerated the need for digital transformation – and ultimately, digital maturity.”  Continue reading ACORD CEO Bill Pieroni in Global Reinsurance.

  • Reinsurers Are 'Extremely Well-Positioned Overall'

“Reinsurers are disciplined underwriters, and manage loss costs and data effectively, but attracting quality talent remains elusive.”  Listen to Bill's interview with AM Best TV.